What triggers an asthma attack while you are sleeping?
Dust mites, molds, and other foreign materials residing in your mattress are the most likely causes of your nighttime asthma attacks. Even if you observe proper maintenance and hygiene of your mattress, the materials it is made from can attract certain allergens that will cling to and reside inside your mattress.
Since an asthma attack can lead to some very serious consequences, it is important for patients suffering from this illness to do their research and find one the reputable mattress stores near their area and purchase the right bed for their needs.
The do’s and don’ts of choosing the right mattress for an asthmatic
Mattress stores in Orange County offer not only hypoallergenic mattresses but also special bed covers to help combat the causes of asthma. However, if you are on a tight budget, it is entirely acceptable to forego buying the special bedding equipment made for asthmatics in favor of a quality mattress for sleeping.
For the general, comfort and support are two of the most important factors in choosing a mattress. Asthmatics, on the other hand, also need to include allergen-resistant to the list of their most important factors in purchasing a bed.
Asthma patients will need to stay away from coil spring mattresses, as they serve as ideal hosts for allergens such as dust mites. On the other hand, memory foam and latex mattresses without coils or springs are excellent beddings for asthmatics. Latex mattresses, in particular, are made from raw materials that are naturally resistant to dust mites, mold, and fungi, which makes them perfect for asthmatics to sleep on.
Aside from the mattress, the bedding should act as a barrier for dust mites and other foreign bodies that can trigger asthma. Some patients even go as far as purchasing an anti-allergen mattress protector to give them complete protection, though as mentioned above, you can sacrifice buying additional allergen shielding if you are willing to pay a bit more for your mattress.
By buying the right mattress, you can reduce the probability of suffering an asthma attack and, at the same time, immensely improve the quality of your sleep.
Asthma and Sleep sleepfoundation.org
Management of Asthma hopkinsmedicine.org