With smartwatches and smartphones fully integrated into our day to day, we are able to track and store all kinds of data about our body and health, from heart rate to steps taken to sleep cycles. Sleep-tracking apps and devices have become especially popular over the years; however, many people do not know how to take advantage of the metrics that they provide. You can actually improve your sleep by using the information from sleep trackers, as long as you have comfortable mattresses to sleep on!

Here are some of the ways you can use sleep-tracking data:
Check your sleep duration.
According to sleep experts, most adults need around 7 hours of sleep each night. This is a good number to keep in mind when you’re looking at your sleep tracker. Sensors in a sleep-tracking device can measure your heart rate and movement to determine if you are fully asleep. This can help determine how long you actually sleep through the night in comparison with the 7-hour average.
Check your sleep stages.
When you use a sleep tracker, you will get to see how much time you typically spend in each stage of sleep. Lighter stages of sleep include one and two, which are non-REM. This is when your body is starting to relax and your heart rate begins to slow. Your third stage of sleep is also non-REM but it is harder to wake up when you are in this part of your cycle. Finally, stage four is when you might dream.
Check your sleep quality.
The nice thing about sleeping with a sleep tracker on your San Diego mattress is that it can start to analyze your data in terms of your overall sleep quality. When using this tracker consistently, you can start to compare your nights of sleep against the data and see if it matches up well. This will help you determine whether or not the tracker is accurate. By checking on your sleep quality each night, you may begin to see patterns in a way that will show you optimal bedtimes for your routine. You might notice that giving yourself a little downtime before bed, drinking tea, or reading will help you get a better night’s sleep.
Sleep does so much for our body and state of mind. That’s why so many people look for a new mattress in San Diego every seven years or so. When we get a good night’s sleep, we experience these amazing benefits:
- Better processing of our emotions
- Recovery from physical strain throughout the day
- Elimination of toxins from our brain
- Processing and storage of memory
- Strengthening of our immune system
If you have a sleep tracker, you can ensure that your sleep on mattresses is the best it can possibly be. There are some techniques for bettering your sleep; these include sleeping for longer, getting deeper sleep, and getting better quality sleep.
In order to sleep longer, you should first schedule out enough time in your day. Make sure that you give yourself at least seven hours before waking up in the morning. It also helps if you keep a consistent schedule. If you’re looking to fall asleep faster, then you should avoid any screens (TV, computer, phone) an hour before bed. Instead, try reading, taking a bath, or drinking some tea before bed.
When you want to get deeper sleep, there are three things you can try. The first method is to sleep longer. If you get at least seven hours of sleep, then you are more likely to fall into deeper stages of sleep. Exercising is the next thing you can try. This will help exhaust your body so that it is ready for sleep at night. Finally, the third method for getting deeper sleep is to warm your body. Saunas, hot showers, and warm baths can help your body get sleepy. Just make sure that your body isn’t too hot or you will have trouble sleeping.
If you’re looking to improve your quality of sleep, then there are certain tactics you can try. You should avoid stimulating substances like coffee, rich meals, alcohol, and cigarettes. Another thing that you can do to get better sleep is to create a more calming environment to sleep in. Have earplugs and an eye mask to control noise and light.