Small, oval, brownish insects that live off the blood of animals or humans, bedbugs or at least the adult ones have flat bodies about the size of an apple seed. They are known as parasitic insects that bite the exposed skin of sleeping humans and animals and feed on their blood.
Although bugs are unable to spread disease, they can create other public health and economic issues.

Many believe bed bug infestations are caused by filth. This is a misconception according to studies. These bugs are not attracted to decay so they can live in any environment, as long as they have access to food sources. These bugs may hide near their food source and wait until it is safe to come out and feed.
So, where do bed bugs hide, and how do you get bed bugs in the first place?
Bedbugs sneak in the cracks and crevices of beds, box springs, headboards, bed frames, and any other objects around the bed. They, however, reside most particularly in humans. In most cases, bedbugs come from hotels and motels. Even on buses, trains, planes, cruise liners, and taxi cabs. Some could be residing in theaters, in a friend’s house, or even in your workplace!
So, if you have bedbugs in your home, professional extermination is recommended or possibly getting a new bed and mattress from one of the mattress stores in Orange County
Bedbug Treatments
According to researchers, bedbugs don’t care if their habitat is clean or dirty as long as there is a warm host and plenty of hiding places.
So, getting rid of bedbugs begins with cleaning up the places where these bugs live. Maintain cleanliness in everything- clean bedding, linens, or curtains, and wash them in warm water and dry them.
It is recommended to use a stiff brush to scrub mattress seams to remove bedbugs and their eggs before vacuuming. Make sure to place the vacuum cleaner bag in the garbage can outdoors immediately.
Patch cracks in plaster and glue down peeling wallpaper to close off places bedbugs can hide. If the mattress is infested, you need to get rid of it and get a new one, but take care to rid the rest of your home of bedbugs too, or they will infest your new mattress.
Check the mattress stores in Orange County for highly specialized mattress protectors, which go all the way around the mattress. This cover should be kept on for at least one year to be sure that all the bed bugs and their eggs in the mattress have died. These bed bugs can persist for months without feeding thus the need to keep the mattress protector on for a year.
Finally, isolate your bed with a bed bug interceptor cup on each of the feet of your bed. Remember to vacuum because any recently-laid eggs will be hatching and maturing during this time, so you need to keep vigilant.
Also, consider purchasing a new mattress at one of the mattress stores in Orange County while taking proper precautions to avoid infestation.

10 Household Items That Can Be Bedbug Repellents
Keeping bedbugs away from your mattress or anywhere else is crucial for a peaceful and healthy sleep environment. While professional pest control is often necessary for severe infestations, several items commonly found at home can help repel bedbugs or prevent their infestation. Hopefully, these household items will prevent you from hiring a professional exterminator and damaging things around your house. Here are some examples:
Essential Oils
Certain essential oils are known for their repelling properties against bedbugs. Lavender, tea tree, peppermint, and eucalyptus oil are among the most effective. Mix a few drops of these oils with water in a spray bottle and spray it around your mattress and bed frame.
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth is a naturally-occurring sedimentary rock powder that is highly effective against bedbugs. It works by severely dehydrating the insects and causing them to die. Sprinkle a very thin layer (you don’t need much) of food-grade diatomaceous earth around your mattress’s and bed frame’s perimeter to create a barrier against bedbugs.
Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing alcohol is a surprisingly powerful disinfectant that can kill bedbugs on contact. Fill a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol and spray it directly on any bedbugs you see or suspect. Be cautious not to use too much alcohol, which can damage certain materials.
Vacuum Cleaner
Regularly vacuuming your mattress, bed frame, and surrounding areas can help remove bedbugs and their eggs. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to ensure that captured bedbugs are not released back into the air.
Mattress Encasements
Investing in a mattress encasement with a tight zipper can help protect your mattress from bedbug infestations. These encasements create a barrier that bedbugs cannot penetrate, trapping any existing bedbugs and preventing new ones from infesting the mattress.
Double-Sided Tape
Placing double-sided tape around the legs of your bed frame can prevent bedbugs from climbing up and infesting your mattress. Bedbugs cannot climb smooth surfaces, so the tape is a barrier.
Silica Gel Packets
Silica gel packets, commonly found in shoeboxes and specific food packaging, can absorb moisture and dehydrate bedbugs. Place these packets around your mattress and bed frame to deter bedbugs from infesting your sleeping area.
Clothing Dryer
Bedbugs cannot survive extreme temperatures. Washing your bedding and clothing in hot water and drying them on high heat for at least 30 minutes can kill bedbugs and their eggs.
Clutter Removal
Clutter provides hiding spots for bedbugs, making it easier for them to infest your mattress and surrounding areas. Regularly decluttering your bedroom and disposing of unnecessary items can help prevent bedbug infestations.
Regular Inspection
Lastly, regularly inspecting your mattress, bed frame, and surrounding areas for signs of bedbug activity is crucial for early detection and prevention. Look for minor blood stains, dark spots (bedbug excrement), shed skins, and live bedbugs.
By incorporating these items and practices into your routine, you can effectively repel bedbugs from your mattress and maintain a bedbug-free home environment. These household items will also not affect the health and safety of people in the home.
However, it’s recommended that you seek professional pest control services for severe infestations that even these items cannot fix.