Whether or not you have already had Covid-19, you have probably become (uncomfortably) accustomed to hearing all sorts of claims during the pandemic, both online and by word-of-mouth. But can getting Covid affect your ability to sleep? While we’re experts on the very best mattresses in Orange County and not so much about science, we’ve gathered enough research to discover the answer to this question.

Will I have problems falling asleep if I catch COVID-19?
Some individuals who have tested positive for the virus have reported a decline in quality of sleep while they were in quarantine recovering from their symptoms, even nicknaming the phenomena “Covidsomnia” leading to wonder if sleeplessness itself is a sign of having caught Covid-19. Studies have shown sleeplessness related to the virus is often linked with common mental health conditions and fears over the pandemic, such as anxiety, depression, and general stress. This is not too surprising as mood disorders and anxiety are well-known to affect one’s sleep-wake cycle and result in insomnia. The risk, however, is generally higher in certain demographics, including women, people over 40, the unemployed, and those with pre-existing psychiatric conditions.
There have even been studies conducted by doctors in several countries across the world to confirm this link:
- In China (very, very far from where you can get a quality Orange County mattress!), among 12,000 young adults, approximately 23.2% of the subjects were found to have insomnia symptoms, most notably “with female sex, depression, and anxiety, and residing in the city being the greater risk factors.”
- In Italy, a country that was hit hard by the pandemic early on, of a group of 1,989 young adults, 18.6% were found to have “insomnia severity….associated with poor sleep hygiene behaviors, dysfunctional beliefs about sleep, self-reported mental disorder, anxiety and depression.”
- In France, of 556 participants, “19.1% met the diagnostic criteria of clinical insomnia and confirmed that COVID-19-related worries and loneliness were the major contributing factors to clinical insomnia.”
- A study on the effects of lockdown was also conducted in Spain with about 15,000 participants. During the beginning of quarantine, it was discovered that nearly a quarter, 23.9%, of Spanish participating in the research had experienced sleeplessness. The risk was highest in individuals who fell under the category of “ higher age, female sex, reduction in income, having elderly dependents, alcohol use, depression, anxiety and stress.”
It is also important to consider that two people who have had Covid-19 are not the same. People vary in body types and pre-existing physical and mental health conditions that may affect one’s experience having the virus. If one already has a history of insomnia or another sleep disorder prior to testing positive for the virus, then symptoms may stay the same or become worse depending on the individual in question. If you feel that your Covid-19 diagnosis has played a role during or after you have already had the virus, it is important to share any of your concerns with your doctor for further evaluation. While we cannot provide any extensive medical advice, we can definitely help you get the highest quality mattresses in Orange County that will drastically benefit your overall health.
Sweet dreams!