You probably didn't know this, but the typical American loves to sleep. A survey conducted a few years ago revealed an interesting fact: 6 in 10 Americans crave sleep more than sex.
That means, the proper mattress makes a world of difference when folks are catching their z's. People take their mattresses seriously if you believe these impressive numbers. In 2010, Americans spent more than $5.8 billion on mattresses and box springs alone.

If you're falling into a big marshmallow as you head off to sleep, then that soft, old, lumpy mattress is doing you zero favors when it comes to a healthy and quality night's rest.
Catching the Perfect Z’s
Visiting mattress stores in San Diego will help you find you the perfect slumbering match, especially if you've been hitting the hay every night on a mattress that's more than 10 years old. Government studies have found that the type of bedding system affects one's quality sleep, and that an older mattress can cause stiffness and shoulder and back pain.
Although bedding experts differ on how often you should purchase a new mattress, most seem to agree that after two presidential terms, or eight years, it's time to shop around for high quality and branded mattresses for less. Here in "America's Finest City," you can do just that at a mattress sale in San Diego. A new mattress and box spring can change your life in a significant way, and you'll be saving major money on some wonderful, grade A labels.
When looking for the perfect mattress, the key is in the support or the mattress' core. There are four types to choose from: innerspring, foam, latex, and air-filled. That's all a matter of preference. Maybe you like a bed that features lots of firmness, and if so, then a memory foam mattress would be ideal. Latex mattresses offer more of a spring-back, and innerspring types will give you that extra bouncy feel. An air-filled mattress lets you be in charge of how much firmness or springiness you desire by controlling the included remote feature.
Comfort is important to the perfect new mattress. Take your time and choose carefully. Buying a new mattress from an exceptional brand at a lower price is the kind of deal you want. Here, in San Diego, you'll find some of the best mattress choices around in stores like Mattress Sales Liquidators.
Sleep Facts.The Better Sleep Council.
Grouped comparisons of sleep quality for new and personal bedding systems.