Most people believe the most common reasons for a restless sleep are their mattresses. San Diego stores reassure customers that there are many reasons for a night of restless sleep, and one example is too much screen time. For most of us, checking our phone in bed right before shutting our eyes is part of our routine. We can’t help checking our notifications, social media, or playing a game one last time before calling it a night.

We typically spend the whole day processing information in our brains, and when it’s time to turn our minds off for the night, it is highly beneficial to turn our phones off as well. There are countless studies that have shown how using your phone right before bed can contribute to restlessness and be harmful to your general health. If the cause of restless sleep is not your mattresses, Stores will suggest that it might be your phone. Take a look at the following reasons why it can be beneficial to limit or avoid screen time before bed.
The Negative Effects of Blue Light
Melatonin is a hormone produced in the brain that controls the sleep-wake cycle, known as circadian rhythm. Your cell phone screen is constantly emitting blue light which restrains the production of melatonin and can make it harder to fall asleep and wake up the following morning. The circadian rhythm has a short wavelength which makes it especially sensitive to blue light. According to studies, the eye’s retina can also be damaged from exposure to blue light. While you are checking your phone before bed on your mattress, stores recommend wearing blue light glasses or putting your phone away to avoid the blue light altogether.
The Mind Stays Alert at Night
Whether you are reading emails, checking social media or watching videos, these different types of content will keep the mind active and could possibly strike emotion. This can make it more difficult for your body to relax and fall asleep because your mind is feeling very active. If you are engaging your mind on your phone, your brain will be tricked into believing it needs to stay awake longer.
Reduced Alertness in the Morning
Spending extra time on your phone at night rather than going to bed at a decent hour will contribute to energy levels the next morning. The extra screen time the night before will make you more tired and less alert in the morning. Your efficiency performing tasks throughout the day will be reduced, and this consistent routine of staying up on your phone can contribute to chronic deficiency in sleep.
Phones are Interruptions
While screen time before bed can cause negative effects to your body and sleep schedule, your phone can also interrupt your sleep. San Diego mattress stores recommend putting your phone on “do not disturb” mode so the sounds of texts and other notifications do not wake you up and disrupt your sleep.
Without your phone to keep you occupied before bed, the following tips will suggest how you can wind down for bed without a phone:
- Stop using electronic devices 30 minutes before bed
- Put your phone in a different room while you sleep to discourage constantly checking it
- Read a book before bed